about weather tech’s 5 year warranty

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Whereas, Weather Tech Renovations, LLC herein called “The Contractor”, has completed application of the following project:

Customer Name______________ Warranty Period 5 Years                                    Date of Expiration: Today’s Date:

Whereas, at the inception of such work, the Contractor agreed to guarantee the aforesaid roof against faulty workmanship for a limited period and subject to the conditions set forth.Now, therefore, the Contractor hereby guarantees, subject to the conditions herein set forth, that during the lesser of a period of ___5_______ years from the date of completion of said roof, it will, at its own cost and expense, make or cause to be made such repairs to said roof and composition flashing resulting solely from faults or defects in workmanship applied by or through the Contractor as may be necessary to maintain said roof.

This guarantee is not transferable, and is made subject to the following conditions:

  • 1.Specifically excluded from this guarantee is any and all damage to said roof, the building, or contents caused by lightning, windstorm ,hailstorm, or other unusual phenomena of the elements; foundation settlement; failure of cracking of the roof decks, defects or failure of material used as a roof base over which the roof is applied; faulty construction of the parapet walls, copings, chimneys, skylights, vents, supports, or other parts of the building; vapor condensation beneath the roof; or fire. If the roof is damaged by reason of any of the foregoing, this guarantee shall thereupon become null and void for the balance of the guarantee period unless such damage is repaired by the Contractor at the expense of the party requesting such repairs.
  • 2. The contractor is not liable for consequential damages to building or contents resulting from any defects in said roof or composition flashing
  • 3. No work shall be done on said roof, including, but without limitation, work in connection with flues, vents, drains, sign braces, railings, platforms or other equipment fastened to or set on the roof, and no repairs or alterations shall be made to said roof, unless the Contractor shall be notified, shall be given the opportunity to make the necessary roofing application recommendations with respect thereto, and such recommendations are complied with. Failure to observe this condition shall render the guarantee null and void. The Contractor shall be paid for time and material expended in making recommendations or repairs occasioned by the work of others on said roof.
  • 4. This guarantee shall become null and void if the roof is used as a promenade or work deck or is sprayed or flooded, unless such use was originally specified and specification is noted in paragraph 7 below.
  • 5. This guarantee shall not be or become effective unless and until the Contractor has been paid in full for said roof in accordance with the agreement pursuant to which such roof was applied.
  • 6. This guarantee shall become null and void unless the Contractor is promptly notified of any alleged defect in materials or workmanship and provides an opportunity to inspect the roof.
  • 7. Additional conditions or exclusions:

In Witness Whereof, this instrument has been duly executed on Date: (Today’s Date) ____________________________________
By: __________________________________________ Printed: _____________________________________
Title:____________________________ Email: ______________________________________

Weather Tech Renovations
3008 US Hwy 40
Blue Springs, MO 64015
Phone: (816) 988-8957 
E-mail: customerservice@wtrenovations.com

Contact Weather Tech Renovations

Satisfaction Guaranteed


3008 SW US Highway 40
Blue Springs , MO 64015
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Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 6:00 pm
Saturday - Sunday: Closed
Saturday & Sunday by Appointment. 24/7-Emergency Service.


Main: (816) 988-8957
Accredited Through Kansas & Missouri